Source Material
SMST depression study (2024)
SMST validation study publication (Wehmeier et al. 2019) listed in publisher’s online catalogue
SMST validation study abstract (Wehmeier et al. 2019) listed in PubMed online catalogue
SMST validation study (Wehmeier et al. 2019) cited in References of this scientific publication:
Webelhorst C, Jepsen L, Rummel-Kluge C (2020) Utilization of e-mental-health and online self- management interventions of patients with mental disorders—A cross-sectional analysis. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0231373.
Link to Webelhorst et al. (2020) publication in publisher’s online catalogue:
SMST listed on FDA’s list of Critical Path Innovation Meetings (CPIM) (see December 2019 on p. 4)
Interventions in every day life to improve mental health and reduce symptoms of psychiatric disorders (in POPREPO)
SMST mentioned on my personal coaching website
My book about self-management that mentions the SMST on the publishers’ home-page
Home-page of Professor Urs Nater, Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria, who was involved in planning and carrying out the SMST validation study and was the senior author of the validation study publication (Wehmeier et al. 2019)
On his home-page Professor Urs Nater mentions a poster presentation on the SMST given in November 2019 at the annual psychiatric conference in Berlin, Germany. Here is the link to the mention on his home-page
Link to the conference program that lists the poster about the SMST validation study presented at the annual psychiatric conference in Berlin, Germany, in 2019; poster number P-03-02 listed on page 205 of the program
SMST being used in a pilot project to develop a Digital Health Guide (DHG) provided by the BARMER health insurance company to corporations to help improve the health of their employees
Link to BARMER newsletter that explains the DHG
Link to BARMER web-page that explains the DHG and offers it to corporations to help improve the health of their employees
Link to the BARMER press release on the DHG
Home-page of the Health Innovation Hub (hih), owned by the German Ministry of Health
Link to the newsletter provided by the Health Innovation Hub (hih) giving specific information on the SMST app; this newsletter resulted in researchers from the University of Freiburg and from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg becoming aware of the SMST and using it in their research
Link to Freiburg University, Institute for Athletics, that are using the SMST in their research to develop a physical and mental health program for university students; use of SMST by this research group is a result of hih providing specific information on the SMST app in their digital news-letter
Email of Professor Daniel Koenig leading this project Email of Patrick Jendricke, MD, involved in this project
SMST is being used in the scientific evaluation of an online psychotherapy program called PSYCHOnlineTHERAPIE; use of SMST by this research group is a result of hih providing specific information on the SMST app in their digital news-letter
Professor David D. Ebert, Chair for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Erlangen- Nürnberg, who is leading this project
email of Professor David D. Ebert leading this project
email of Psychologist Theresa Sextl involved in this project
My blog on the Vitos psychiatric hospital group home-page about self-management mentioning the SMST
My own blog on the Vitos psychiatric hospital group home-page about working in home-office mentioning the SMST