How can the SMST be utilized?
Clinical Research
Validated outcome measurement for self-management competence
Clinical outcome instrument, especially in depression
PRO measure in clinical trials, especially in depression
Can be used at baseline and endpoint to measure change over time
Can be used at baseline to pre-screen for depression
Can be used at endpoint to measure PRO
Can be used as a Quality of Life Assessment Instrument
Clinical Psychology/Psychiatry
SMST validated against five other scales related to stress and burnout, with moderate to high correlation, which means the SMST can be used as a kind of quick and easy substitute for other scales.
Screen for depression
Validate suicide prevention programs
Measure outcome of specific interventions
Validation of any intervention aimed at improving overall mental health and well-being
Organizational/ Corporate Mental Health
Measure self-improvement/self-optimization
Employee/ team mental health and well-being
Burnout prevention programs
Red flag warnings
Early intervention protocols
Validation of any program aimed at improving overall mental health and well-being